The InHealth Community Wellness Clinic can help you with up to $750.00 for your dental care if you live in Richland, Vernon, Crawford or Grant County as long as Grant funds are available.
All help is on a first come first serve basis so call soon.
All patients must:
– Call the InHealth Community Wellness Clinic for an appointment at 608-375-4324. Leave your name, phone number where we can reach you and mention you would like to get a dental appointment. (Clinic is open on Monday and Wednesdays, but you can leave a message any time.) OR
– Come in to the Clinic at 109 East Bluff Street (lower level in the back of the building) in Boscobel, WI on Monday or Wednesday 9:00 to 5:00 to fill out paperwork for a referral.
– If pain is present the Clinic Coordinator will help you see a doctor for free to get a prescription for antibiotics. All prescriptions have a $6.00 co-pay.
– Our Clinic Coordinator will help dental patients set up an appointment with a dentist at that time.
– We can help all patients with up to $750.00 toward their dental expenses.
– All payments from the Free Clinic are made directly to the dentist after work is completed.
– All dental patients MUST show up to their dental appointments if they are being referred by our clinic or Grant money will default to the next patient in need.
– Any patient that has Badgercare, Forward Health or Medicaid but can’t find a dentist, can get a referral through the clinic to a dentist in Madison. Free Clinic patients will receive priority.
– Remember: InHealth Community Dental Program is available to people of any age in need in Grant, Crawford, Vernon and Richland Counties
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