Category: Programs
Experiencing Stress as the Holidays Approach?
Some important, practical tips can help minimize the stress that accompanies the holidays. These tips may even help you enjoy the holidays more than expected. See below for an article by Peter Reisner MD. The source of the article is linked below.
Through the endless parties, cooking, shopping and cleaning, try taking one of 9 steps to ensure you have a stress-free holiday:
1. Plan ahead.
Between co-workers, friends and family, it’s inevitable that some commitments will end up on the same day. Make sure to plan on what you can attend in person or virtually. If you’re hosting the holidays, create a menu to help you stay organized and make grocery shopping easier.
2. Say no.
With holiday commitments, it is OK to say no to a few or all of them. It also will help relieve some stress. Try sharing your to-do list with other family members.
3. Plan spending.
The holidays mean spending money. Make a budget and stick to it. Spending money on your loved ones is important, but it’s also important to pay your energy bill. Don’t buy gifts that you’ll be paying off for the rest of the year.
4. Create relaxing surroundings.
Turn on some music, light some candles or open the windows on a sunny day. Research has found that listening to music and the scent of citrus can boost feelings of well-being, and vitamin D is always a happiness booster.
5. Maintain healthy habits.
The holidays are notorious for ruining healthy habits. A short workout each morning will help your decision-making throughout the day. Encourage your family to try snow shoeing or sledding to get in extra exercise. Eat healthy snacks like fresh fruit or vegetables throughout the season and to fill up before a dinner party or celebration with tempting, but unhealthy, foods.
6. Share feelings.
Spending a holiday after a loss in the family can be difficult. Accept your feelings and open up about them to others. It may make you feel better to share. Try to switch up old traditions to ease the loss.
7. Respect differences.
Family members will have different viewpoints than your own. Try your best to forgive and forget this holiday season. Focus on your similarities, and replace tension with something productive.
8. Be realistic.
You are only one person, and you can only do so much. Be realistic with how much you can handle this season. Forget about perfection, and relax and enjoy the company surrounding you.
9. Take a break.
Don’t forget about your own needs. Take a nap, go for a short walk, read a book or watch a funny movie. Laughing relaxes the whole body, and can relieve physical tension and stress.
Holidays are meant to be a fun, enjoyable time with friends and family. These tips can help ensure you truly enjoy your holidays when stress starts to set in.
Peter Reisner, M.D. is a Family Medicine physician in Chetek, Wisconsin.
$300 Sources of Strength Training for FREE!
Free Sources of Strength Adult advisor training opportunity for people in Southwest Wisconsin Region who work with youth. Attend to learn about the program and support our schools!
Adult Advisor trainings usually cost $300.00 per person to attend, but this one-time offer is free for community members in our SW WI region to increase awareness.
Presented by: A National Sources of Strength trainer
Who should attend: Anyone working with children or young adults!
Sponsored by: Unified Community Services
Training Date/Time: January 10, 2024, 7:45 am – 2:30 pm
Location: Grant County Fairgrounds, Youth and Ag Center Auditorium
Registration Deadline: December 20th, 2023
Link to register:
Select: Individuals that want to know more about Sources of Strength
Unified Community Services Receives Gold Award from Department of Workforce Development for Being a Veteran Ready Organization
Governor Evers and the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) awarded 17 organizations in the State of Wisconsin an award for being Veteran ready. Unified Community Services was among the 2023 Gold Award winners listed as their fiscal agent Grant County. The DWD initiative, called Vets Ready, awards organizations that “build a support system for Veterans within their workplace, hire and retain more Veterans, and connect to Veterans in the community and their families. Every year the Department of Workforce Development recognizes businesses who have gone above and beyond for the Veteran workforce.”
One unique focus of the Unified Community Service plan is to include military spouses in the support as they most certainly serve and rarely receive recognition worthy of their sacrifices during and long after the uniform is worn.
With deep gratitude we thank all Veterans, their spouses, and families.
FREE Online Mental Health First Aid Course!
Parenting Programs Available at Link Below
See this website for co-parenting classes. Financial help is available at the website if needed.
Unified Community Services Receives Award from Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development for Being a Veteran Ready Employer
Unified Community Services is proud to report we are one of the 17 organizations in the State of Wisconsin to receive recognition as a Vets Ready employer by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Governor Tony Evers announced the winners in a press release on November 7, 2023. Unified Community Services won a Gold Award for Small Organizations for their onboarding program that celebrates and empowers not only Veterans but also Veterans’ spouses and family members.
The Gold Award is for organizations that show “exemplary leadership in hiring, training, supporting, and advancing Veterans and their families.”
The Vets Ready Initiative encourages employers to “establish a support system within their workplace, hire and retain more Veterans, and connect with Veterans in the community and their families. Every year, DWD recognizes businesses that have gone above and beyond for the Veteran workforce. Businesses are separated into three categories – small, medium, large – and either receive a gold or silver certification.”
At Unified Community Services we are deeply grateful for our incredible staff which includes employees who currently serve in the Armed Forces, Veterans of the Armed Forces, military spouses, former military spouses, and many family members of Veterans. We are indebted to them for their commitment to continued service in Iowa and Grant Counties and for all the selfless good they do every day for our clients, coworkers, and communities.
We’re extremely proud to report we’re Veteran Ready.
Thank You Veterans
Veterans often face a range of mental health challenges after their military service. These challenges can result from the unique stressors and experiences associated with military life. Some common mental health issues among veterans include:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Exposure to traumatic events during deployment can lead to PTSD. Symptoms may include intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and heightened anxiety.
Depression: Veterans may experience depression due to a variety of factors, including the challenges of transitioning to civilian life, coping with physical injuries, or dealing with the loss of friends.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): TBIs, often caused by blasts or other head injuries, can result in a range of cognitive and emotional symptoms, including memory problems, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating.
Substance Abuse: Some Veterans turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with stress, pain, or mental health symptoms. Substance abuse can exacerbate existing mental health issues.
Anxiety Disorders: Generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and other anxiety-related conditions may develop or worsen as a result of the stressors experienced during military service.
Adjustment Disorders: Transitioning from military to civilian life can be challenging. Veterans may struggle with adapting to new routines, relationships, and work environments, leading to adjustment difficulties.
Isolation and Relationship Issues: Difficulty reconnecting with family and friends or feeling isolated from civilian society can contribute to mental health challenges. Relationship problems may arise due to communication issues or the emotional toll of military experiences.
Crisis: Veterans may be at an increased risk of crisis, especially if they are dealing with untreated mental health conditions.
It’s important to note that not all veterans will experience these challenges, and the severity of symptoms can vary widely. Many Veterans successfully transition to civilian life and thrive with the support of mental health services, social connections, and community resources. If you or someone you know is a Veteran struggling with mental health issues, reaching out to mental health professionals or Veterans’ support organizations can be a crucial step toward recovery.
#veteran #veteransupport #VeteransDay #veterans