Drug Take Back Day, October 23, 2021

Too often, unused and unwanted medications find their way into the wrong hands. That’s dangerous and often tragic. Bringing unused and unwanted medications to a Drug Take Back Day collection site protects you, your family, and your community. The next Drug Take Back Day is October 23, 2021.
Find a collection site near you at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/opioids/drug-take-back-day.htm

Take Back Day Event in Iowa County:
Highland Village Police Department
530 Main St.
Saturday, October 23, 2021, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Iowa, Grant and Lafayette County Drop Off Locations:

WI DHS Small Talks: Why should you talk to kids about alcohol?

Underage drinking is a real problem in Wisconsin, and it starts earlier and can be more dangerous than you might think. But parents, loved ones, and other caring adults can make a real difference. All you have to do is talk. That’s right. Having small, casual conversations with kids, starting around age 8, can help prevent underage drinking.
Video in English with Spanish subtitles
¿Hablas español? subtítulos disponibles

Know what to say and do to have a successful small talk

Sepa qué decir y hacer para tener una charla exitosa


Unified Community Services of Grant & Iowa Counties
Grant County Department of Social Services

Programs and services to be addressed: Abused and neglected children and adults, community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services, juvenile delinquents, elderly, children and families, and the Alzheimer’s Program.
This is your opportunity to express concerns, expectations, and proposals of services and programs for Grant County. Federal programs are NOT subject for discussion; examples are Food Stamps, General Relief, Fuel Assistance, and Medical Assistance.

Open the PDF below for more information

Medication Disposal

In 2019, 9.7 million people aged 12 or older misused used pain relievers in the United States.
50.8% of the pain relievers were accessed through friends or relatives. They were given to them for free, purchased or just taken from them without asking.
Help reduce access to prescription medications by locking them up or storing them in a safe place, not sharing medications, and using drop box locations to dispose of unwanted medications.


Unified Community Services (UCS) is accepting applications for a BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINICIAN position in our Dodgeville office. UCS is an approved site where service requirements may be fulfilled for the NHSC Loan Repayment Program, and Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program. https://nhsc.hrsa.gov/loan-repayment/index.html

Successful applicants will provide outpatient behavioral health assessment, treatment planning, and treatment in individual, group and family formats, for mental health, substance use, and co-occurring disorders.

Requires Wisconsin licensure as a Clinical Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist, or Professional Counselor, or training license. Ideal candidate will also be licensed as a Substance Abuse Counselor (SAC) or Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC).

Competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package, including Wisconsin Retirement System, health, life and disability insurance, training, and paid time off.

Screening of applicants will continue until the position is filled. Submit resume and letter of interest to:

Unified Community Services
200 W. Alona Lane
Lancaster, WI 53813
(608) 723-6357



24 HOUR CRISIS: 1 (800) 362-5717

Telehealth Available

200 W. Alona Lane
(608) 723-6357

1122 Professional Drive
(608) 935-2776

To request services, make a referral, or to get more information, either call or come to a Unified Community Services office.


It is our policy to make services available and accessible. No person shall be denied services or be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, political beliefs or disabilities. If you need assistance to access services, please contact the Equal Opportunity Coordinator at (608) 723-6357.


In many cases, health insurance, Medicaid or Medicare will cover some of or the entire bill. If you have insurance for which Unified Community Services is not a provider, you will be referred to your insurance company to determine which providers are part of their network. Fees are on a sliding scale*, based on your ability to pay. Consultation on insurance arrangements is available, and we bill insurance companies directly. Services will not be denied if you are unable to pay.
*Fee for Intoxicated Driver Assessment may not be reduced or waived.